Kraken Login | Kraken Exchange | Sign in


When the firstcryptocurrency was launched in the world, there were only a few exchanges thatsold those crypto assets. Particularly speaking about Kraken, it is known thatthe platform was established in the year 2011 and is one of the oldest cryptoexchanges today. Having its roots in the United States, the platform soonbecame a renowned exchange that uses a nominal fee structure to carry outtransactions.

Once you accessyour account using your Kraken login username and password, you will be allowedto explore a wide range of features that the exchange offers to you. Alongsidethat, you'll also be introduced to the tools that help you buy, sell, or tradewith crypto in an easy manner. Notably, this platform has a pretty easy UI thateven a beginner investor can begin trading on it without any hassle.

Key features of the platform

· Lets you trade crypto assets across multiple platforms on the go

· This exchange supports a comprehensive range of crypto assets along with7 fiat currencies that you can trade with

· Those who want to enjoy "spot trading" features, they can doso directly from the Kraken login platform and get the assets deliveredinstantly

· With its "Margin Trading" feature, you can make the most of yourgains during high market fluctuations

· There is also a characteristic known as "Future Trading" wherediverse parties agree to trade on a specified date and price

· In addition to that, there is an option that lets you involve in"Over the counter" trading

· The "Staking" feature which is included on the platform letsyou put your those coins at stake which are not earning you interest

· Another important feature of the platform is its "Kraken APIintegration" feature which works similarly to other APIs on other cryptoexchanges

To proceedfurther, let us now see how one can create his own Kraken login credentials.

Steps to sign up on the Kraken exchange

To access allthe services, products, and features of Kraken, you are required to create anaccount first. Here's how you can create one for yourself:

1. Visit the official site ofKraken-

2. Now, move to theupper-right-hand corner and click "Create Account"

3. On the sign-up form,provide your email address, add a username, and set a strong password

4. Read the "Terms ofService" and "Privacy Policy" of Kraken

5. Tick the "Agree"box and click the "Create account" button

6. Kraken will now send you anemail with the activation key

7. Now, enter this key foraccount verification or click on the verification link

8. Then, you'll be asked toconfirm your password

9. After that, complete theCaptcha verification and select "Activate Account"

10. Your account is created andyou're all set to get started

How to sign in to Kraken?

To open thetrading gateway of Kraken, you need to sign in to your account by using thesteps given below:

1. Navigate to the officialportal of Kraken

2. Here, you need to click onthe "Sign In" option at the top-right

3. Now, enter the Kraken loginusername

4. Followed by this, enteryour Kraken login password

5. Hit the "Sign In"button to access your account

Concluding thoughts:

If you evercome across any known or unknown difficulty while trying to use the Krakenexchange or while trying to sign into your account, you should make sure thatyou are visiting only the official website of the platform. If you are sureabout that, do not forget to re-check your login credentials to make sure thatyour fed details are correct.

Last updated